Call Name: Fern
Born Dec.30
The Basics
Fern is happy Chihuahua and is outside bred and we were fortunate enough to have her grace our home in 2023 along with her littermate sister, Fig. She is a beautiful Cream with limited white markings. Sheis undergoing genetic testing with Basepaws. Fern has a soft, smooth short coat. She spends her days enjoying the comforts of the comfy furniture and giving lazy day kisses. Fern loves to play quietly with people and other dogs alike.
Health Testing
DNA Identity testing (Genotype) and inherited markers and health testing are underway with BASEPAWS Dog DNA. Routine bloodwork, liver and kidney function bloodwork was done and all showed she is as healthy on the inside as she is on the outside. Fern weighs 6 pound, 2 ounces and has a beautiful applehead, nice full stop with a nice short nose and a high dome apple head. Her stocky and petite size makes her a perfect companion and excellent future Mom.
In 2024, Fern will breed to Max for beautiful, tight headed apple head babies, perfect for the show ring or pet homes. Long and short coated puppies are possible from this mating and only time will tell.
Questions About Fern or her pedigree?
Do you have questions about Fern, her background, her AKC pedigree, health testing and future litters? If so, please email directly. E-mail to: - Please make the subject line with her name. Thank you!
Personality Bio
Fern is a wonderful cuddly, affectionate girl who loves wrestles, mostly with sister Fig and Moonbeam and enjoys group grooming!
Lovely Fer is never far away. Her laid back demeanor and friendly personality means she gets along with her housemates big and small.
She was born on December 30th and will breed to Max for AKC registered babies.
© Working Dog Chihuahuas by Midwest, 2007